My Galery


Friday, March 4, 2011



Pemimpin  terbaik adalah yang mampu mensuport kepentingan strategi perusahaan dengan berkualitas, dan mampu bekerja sama dengan semua pihak,  untuk mengeksekusi setiap rencana dengan cara-cara yang hebat. Mempersiapkan pikiran dan perilaku untuk mendukung semua kebutuhan organisasi dengan berkualitas. Selalu fokus pada visi, misi, strategi, dan nilai-nilai perusahaan. Mampu bekerja untuk menciptakan struktur yang berfungsi dengan efektif. Selalu melakukan tindakan positif untuk mengawali perjalanan menuju puncak kinerja.
Memiliki mental super-optimis untuk bekerja buat kuantitas kerja yang sesuai target dan harapan perusahaan; buat kualitas kerja yang mampu menghasilkan hasil kerja yang baik, ditinjau dari ketelitian, kerapian, kebersihan, biaya, serta berdaya guna. Bekerja melalui proses pencapaian hasil yang sesuai dengan standar kerja perusahaan. Berdisiplin dalam memanfaatkan waktu yang ada untuk menyelesaikan semua tugas dan tanggung jawab dengan efektif, serta cerdas memanfaatkan alat-alat bantu kerja untuk pelayanan yang hebat.
Pemimpin harus pintar memahami perencanaan kerja jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Pintar melakukan koordinasi dan komunikasi dengan semua pihak secara efektif, tegas, lugas, yang dilandasi dengan sikap baik. Pintar melakukan delegasi dengan cara mendelegasikan tugas dan tanggung jawab sesuai perencanaan kerja.
Pemimpin adalah seorang pribadi yang mampu melakukan pembinaan, pengawasan, kerja sama, serta memiliki sikap disiplin, dedikasi, loyalitas, kemandirian, dan tanggung jawab yang konsisten. Selain itu, pemimpin yang baik pasti mampu membangkitkan semangat dan motivasi dirinya sendiri untuk mendapatkan sukses tanpa batas.
QC team representative of the company to control the quality of the crew / subcontractors employees / contractors in the field, because the workers will always find loopholes to commit fraud, and abuse, work not in accordance with the agreement work. For the QC team must be observant, intelligent thorough, professional and experience, which is not easily fooled and cheated. Moreover, seismic Indonesia currently using contract labor system. by the contractor / subcontractor will do everything to find a way of production of the hole as much as possible, regardless of the quality that is both true and in accordance with the employment agreement. To solve this problem, the required QC professionals in this job. Responsible, skilled, honest, conscientious, disciplined mandate and is not affected by the lure, people really experience and understand the work and the field of operation, not a lazy person, to get the personnel QC professionals and people who have good performance then the client must test the interview, and the company had to issue a special fund for them, such as welfare, pacility, salery well, so they work didikasi spirit and have high regard for the client, they will always be professional in their work. 
  • Monitoring the shothole drilling work conducted by contractor tobe in accordance with  the  procedure.
  • Inspect and properly and correctly report to the company the depth and quality of the  drill  hole.
  • Reject the production of the drill team if the drill does not fulfill the depth as    determined by  the company at the time of drilling as well as when the hole is filled    with explosives.
  • Provide recommendation on the drill operator's proposal on the location of the replacement hole if a rejection of a previously drill hole occurs and take the responsibility  of the company.
  • Provide recommendation of new location points on the proposal of the drill operator if the  drill point is located in a village or in an area where damage might accur due to future  dynamite explosion and take the responsibillity of to the company.
  • Control the quality of compacting of the drill point conducted by explosive filling team.
  • Control the quality of expolosive arrangement with detonator including the connection  between the the explosives ,arrangement with detonators and use of celio tape securing  the explosives as well as inspecting the cap Tester.
  • Reject all drill hole compacting if it has not met the reference ditermined by the company.
  • Report to the field supervisor in the event there is a deviation to the procedure conducted  by the contactor.
  • Report the progress of the shothole drill work every day to the field Supervisor.       


This inspector implements quality control procedures to compliance with contract specification and applicable regulations, inspects all phases of a variety of goods, services or operation for conformity to established quality, health and safety, and other operational standards by performing on-going work compliance with contractual provisions : ensures all services listed on the performance requitment summary are performed in a satisfactory manner, specifies areas to be inspected (scheduled and unscheduled) and how often inspections will be accomplished, communicates deficiencies to proper persons, maintains quality control files, and ducument results of all inspections. Fedaral Contract Essential Duties and Responsibilities : Implements service procedures and assess product and equipment capabilities and specifications to establish service delivery standards and proposed quality expectancy of completed