My Galery


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Cabel Link and Geophone
String scan

Proccess Seismic

Recording Channels

String Scan for Check Leakage
Laul (Line Auxiliaary unit)
Unit Crew Recording
Laux (Crossing line Auxiliary Unit),Cable link,Geophone
Parameters test

Labo Unit Recording
Recording (data recorder) is responsible for recording with a good productivity while maintaining data quality. Recording job deceription include :
1. Coordinate and ferform the work recording seismic data.
2. Coordinate and oversee the transportation of equipment in the field.
3. Installing,dismantling,transporting and caring for their instruments an accessories in the field.
4. Install geophone on track surveys to achive a stable layer of soil with the help of suppressor geophones with a distance of geophone in the field according to parameter set by partners.
5. On hard surface,such as limestone or gravel,use a super planter for punching holes in the ground so that the geophones mounted steadily.
6. Caring for the whole field equipment,ranging from the geophones,cables.FDU,key controls and other recording equipmen.
7. Install and connect a group of geophones on the track as well as connecting to FDU.
8. Installing LAUL,LAUX,batter,cable and other equipment at the position of recording is required and the work goes well.
9. Opening the drill hole that has been filled with explosives and detonator with wires connecting the firing line blaster.
10. Perform test detonator,detonator work well if the work was continued to the next stage. That meant working with a detonator well is eligible for detonated.
11. Detonated explosive in coordination with the obsever located at labo.
12. Doing re-drill or drill new holes and then fill it with explosives and re-record thesa data if the previous bullet point occurs misfire. Position the new hole is at a maximum radius of 5 metres from the previous hole.
13. Improving the geophones,cables,LAUL,LAUX,and other equipment damaged.
14. Data recording performed on two tapes at once.
15. Remove the geophones from the ground and the connection with FDU,disconnect the link cable and roll it.


Landscape crew assigned to stretching FDU link cable and geophones on the track in accordance with the track. Results from the landscape crew is cable link that has been installed and ready rojok geophones. The equipment carried by the crew was hauling wood or bamboo cable and geophones,and HT radio also carried by the foreman.

Crew rojou assignet to plant geophones properly. Quality rojokan very influential on the quality of the recording,because it is not good to plant geophones with any potential to cause noise to be larger or other wise geophones can not detect vibrations with no good. Crew rojok bring rope chaining to measure the distance between the geophones,and pipe rojok to plant geophones. The equipment brought by the team are : super planter,planting hole,strap chaining,radio HT,work programs,P3k,blank toolbox meeting,helmet.gloves,shoes,glasses,nose masks.

Crew labo,labo duty to prepare the location,such as antenna labo, extending cable transper transper of labo into line,and set up tents labo. Labo crew also was instrumental in the transper of labo the equipment brought by the crew labo is: pole antenna, antenna repeater,radio repeater,rope labrang,connector,antenna cable,alternating control,crowbar to labrang,nails ground,ground wires,battries,jumper power,harnes (safety rope),tool set (wrenches,contact cleaner)

Observer duty to perform troule shooting on the track. And is responsible for oveseing check leakage in the field, the equipment is carried is: tang potong, tang long nose,obeng,contact cleaner,short kck (resistor),ro Ht,work programs,P3k, blank toolbox meeting,helmet,gloves,shoes,glasses,nose,masks.

Jenis-Jenis Noise

Noise sering dijumpai pada saat perekaman data seismik. Noise adalah sesuatu diluar yang diinginkan (sinyal). Noise bisa dibedakan dalam noise koheren dan random. Berdasarkan lingkungan terjadinya noise bisa dipisahkan dalam 2 kategori yaitu noise darat dan noise laut.
Noise koheren dalam perekaman di laut yaitu efek buble, multiple, ghost dan difraksi. Sedangkan yang termasuk noise koheren dalam perekaman di darat adalah ground roll. Noise koheren ini dapat dihilangkan dengan melakukan langkah-langkah khusus dalam metode pengambilan dan pemrosesan data. Untuk menghilangkan noise yang berupa efek buble dapat dilakukan dengan cara memasang sangkar pada sumber seismik sehingga setiap gelembung yang dihasilkan akibat ledakan akan segera pecah pada saat keluar dari sangkar. Efek ghost dapat diredam dengan filter deghosting. Sedangkan efek multiple (reverberasi) dapat dihilangkan dengan filter dereverberation. Noise difraksi dapat dihilangkan dengan langkah migrasi. Efek ground roll bisa diatasi menggunakan band pass filter atau bisa juga dengan low cut filter. Apabila noise-noise koheren tersebut masih dominan daripada sinyal seismik maka langkah yang mungkin bisa dilakukan dengan menerapkan filter F-K domain, T-P domain dan filter atau domain lain seperti DNA (Diversity Noise Attenuator) yang diterapkan oleh suatu perusahaan minyak terkemuka di dunia.
Stack no T-P Filter (gambar dari slide Susila ZM).
Stack menggunakan T-P Filter (gambar dari slide Susila ZM).
Yang termasuk dalam noise random dalam perekaman di laut berasal dari aktivitas hewan laut, arus dan gelombang air laut. Sedangkan noise random dalam perekaman di darat bisa berasal dari geophone yang tidak tertanam dengan baik, atau dari aktivitas manusia, hewan dan kendaraan. Noise random kecil pengaruhnya terhadap data karena energi getarannya jauh lebih dibandingkan dengan energi yang berasal dari sumber. Noise random ini bisa dihilangkan dengan cara stacking dimana noise tersebut akan berkurang (hilang) dan editing (scaling) bisa secara manual atau automatic.
Beberapa tujuan menghilangkan noise dalam pengolahan data seismik yaitu : Preserved Amplitudo (Stratigrafi) dan Non Preserved Amplitudo (Struktur). Untuk memperoleh preserved amplitudo sebaiknya dihindari menggunakan AGC (Automatic Gain Control) sedangkan untuk non-preserved amplitudo bisa menggunakan AGC.

Monday, March 28, 2011


es, the beginning anTheoretical data obtained from the calculation that will be used as a reference in field measurment.The data obtained are trace the beginning and end of the trace given by the client with the coodinates that have been at set, from beginning and end of the traces,traced then made liaison with the calculation
1- Determine the large agle (a) of the initial trace (A).
2- Then trajectory is divided into distance d= 30 meters (the between the trace) and obtained values of x and y for each trace in the path :
Theoretical data can be calculated by using Microsoft Exsel. Then the result in autocad infut into program, and after that can be displayed as maps navigasi. Data teoretical infut into the memory card to be installed on the total theoretical station.Data is the used as the reference team topographic surveys in the measurment.Topographic survey to determine the trace and shoot point dots accurately according schedule given client,topographic in seismic survey is process to determine coordinate field (x,y,z) based on the theoretical map.Coordites theoretical planimetric coordites and elavation were detemined by field measurment.Theoretical coordites made based on parameters that werw supplied by the client,the client usually given the coorditd end of line ,a trace interval and the interval shoot point.

Sipat Datar/Levelling/Waterpassing

Pengukuran sipat datar/leveling/waterpassing bertujuan untuk menentukan beda tinggi antara titik-titik di atas permukaan bumi. Tinggi suatu obyek di atas permukaan bumi ditentukan dari suatu bidang referensi, yaitu bidang yang dianggap ketinggiannya nol. Bidang ini dalam Geodesi disebut bidang geoid, yaitu bidang equipotensial yang berimpit dengan permukaan air laut rata-rata (mean sea level). Bidang equipotensial juga disebut bidang nivo, dimana bidang ini selalu tegak lurus dengan arah gaya berat dimana saja dipermukaan bumi 
Prinsip pengukuran sipat datar
Pengukuran sipat datar adalah penentuan beda tinggi antara dua titik atau lebih dengan garis bidik horisontal yang diarahkan pada rambu-rambu yang berdiri tegak atau vertikal. Garis bidik (lurus) dapat dipenuhi dengan alat teropong, sedangkan untuk membuat mendatar dibantu dengan nivo tabung.
Prinsip dasar pengukuran beda tinggi metode sipat datar adalah dengan menghitung selisih bacaan benang tengah rambu muka dan rambu belakang yang didirikan pada kedua titik pengamatan. Gambaran prinsip pengukuran sipat datar dapat dilihat pada gambar
Keterangan gambar :
a : bacaan benang tengah rambu belakang
b : bacaan benang tengah rambu muka
HA dan HB : tinggi titik A dan B diatas bidang referensi.
∆HAB : beda tinggi antara titik A dan B
Berdasarkan gambar (I.1) tersebut dapat dicari beda tinggi antara titik A dan B dengan persamaan :
∆HAB = a – b
Untuk menentukan tinggi suatu titik dengan sipat datar dibutuhkan sedikitnya satu titik lain yang telah diketahui tingginya. Dengan mengasumsikan tinggi titik A (HA) telah diketahui, maka tinggi titik B (HB) dapat dicari dengan persamaan :
HB = HA + ∆HAB
Apabila alat didirikan di antara dua buah rambu, maka antara dua buah rambu dinamakan slag yang terdiri dari bidikan ke rambu muka dan rambu belakang. Pada teropong, selain garis bidik atau benang tengah (BT), umumnya dilengkapi dengan benang stadia, yaitu benang atas (BA) dan benang bawah (BB). Selain untuk pengukuran jarak optis, bacaan BA dan BB kontrol pembacaan benang tengah (BT), dimana seharusnya pembacaan BT = ½ (BA+BB)

Penginderaan Jauh

Penginderaan jauh (Inderaja)
Penginderaan jauh (remote sensing) adalah ilmu dan seni untuk memperoleh informasi tentang suatu objek, daerah, atau fenomena melalui analisis data yang diperoleh dengan suatu alat tanpa kontak langsung dengan objek, daerah, atau fenomena yang dikaji (Lillesand dan Kiefer, 1994)
Pengumpulan data penginderaan jauh dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat pengindera atau alat pengumpul data yang disebut sensor. Berbagai sensor pengumpul data dari jarak jauh, umumnya dipasang pada wahana (platform) yang berupa pesawat terbang, balon, satelit, atau wahana lainnya. Objek-objek data atau objek yang indera adalah objek yang terletak di permukaan bumi, di atmosfer (dirgantara) dan di antariksa. Pengumpulan data tersebut dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai bentuk, sesuai dengan tenaga yang digunakan. Tenaga yang digunakan dapat berupa variasi distribusi energi elektromagnetik. Data penginderaan jauh dapat berupa citra (imaginery), grafik, dan data numerik. Data tersebut dapat dianalisis untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang objek, daerah, atau fenomena daerah yang diindera atau yang diteliti. Proses penerjemahan data menjadi informasi disebut analis atau interpretasi data. Apabila proses penerjemahan tersebut dilakukan secara digital dengan bantuan komputer disebut interpretasi digital.
Analisis data penginderaan jauh memerlukan data rujukan seperti peta tematik, data statistik, dan data lapangan. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh berupa informasi mengenai bentang lahan, jenis penutup lahan, kondisi lokasi, dan kondisi sumber daya daerah yang diindera. Informasi tersebut bagi para pengguna dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu dalam proses pengambilan keputusan dalam mengembangkan daerah tersebut. Keseluruhan proses mulai dari pengambilan data hingga penggunaan data disebut Sistem Penginderaan Jauh.

Hitung Perataan Kuadrat Terkecil

Setiap pengukuran selalu dihinggapi kesalahan yang sifatnya acak. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu metode yang dapat menentukan nilai parameter tertentu dengan meminimalkan kesalahan acak. Hitung perataan adalah suatu cara untuk menentukan nilai koreksi yang harus diberikan pada hasil pengukuran, sehingga hasil pengukuran memenuhi syarat geometriknya (Wolf, 1980). Syarat geometrik merupakan suatu kondisi yang harus dipenuhi dari hubungan suatu pengukuran dengan pengukuran lainnya.
Hitung perataan kuadrat terkecil dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan harga estimasi dari suatu parameter yang paling mendekati harga yang sebenarnya dengan cara menentukan besaran yang tidak diketahui (parameter) dari sekumpulan data ukuran yang mempunyai pengamatan lebih. Penyelesaian hitung kuadrat terkecil dilakukan dengan mencari suatu nilai akhir yang unik dengan cara tertentu sehingga jumlah kuadrat residualnya (VTPV) minimum, sehingga tidak mungkin ada nilai hasil hitungan lain yang jumlah kuadrat residualnya (VTPV) lebih kecil (Hadiman, 1991). Nilai parameter yang diperoleh dengan hitung perataan sebenarnya merupakan nilai estimasi terhadap nilai benar atau representasi dari nilai terbaik. Prinsip hitung perataan adalah adanya ukuran lebih atau derajat kebebasan. Persamaan untuk menghitung derajat kebebasan (r) adalah :
r = n – u
Dalam hal ini :
n = jumlah pengukuran
  u = jumlah parameter yang akan dicari

Friday, March 18, 2011


Crew Topografi
Process Measurment Total Station
Measurement made using the method stake out the ETS(electronic total station),this method is to place the position of the point coordinates in the field based on theoreticaldata.measurement bound to control point it aims to keep those point are not far off the mark too with theoretical coordinates on a new trajectory measurement,Determination point made by making the point nearest BM as a tie point.measurement of the direction and distance to reading of stakes in the ETS which is the position of the stick prism. stick prism placed in the position in accordance with coordinates theoretical ,during measuring stick we use theree sets of prism,one to fore to point shoot ,shoot back and fore shoot in a stationary position while the point shoot point shiet in accordance with who wants at the measuring point .After that shoot fore position serve as the position of the ETS,or commonly referred to as sentring force whereas ETS position previously used as back position back position shoot,The data are taken is the distance side because of the distance we gain altitude oblique.Azimuth of the sun at least once in the beginning or end of measurement on day stake out coodinates is major activity in the field of topographic survey,in this method use tool set 303 SOKKIA.This tool is used to determined trace point and shootpoint in the field which data is sourced from the coordinates were determined also theoretical in addition from MSL to trace points and shootpoint used different trace a bule peg while for red then point,shoot point to start and ending coordinates of the line is determined by client. Usually for the source in 2D only odd shoot point but is skipped if the terrain does not allow the production of SP add ( such as settlements,rivers,etc ) then made SP,SP even to compensate the lost,so that the distance between normal with SP,SP compensation to 30 meter,geometric differences betweet 3D and 2D seismic located on the source and trace placement.for 2D source and is loceted on one line, even through in 3D source and trace lies in the line that there is different where there are source line (SL) and the receiver line (SL).for the measurment of the initial measurment optimasi (start line) is not made at the beginning or end of the line. This is caused not yet available access to the beginning or end of the line,to overcome the problem,there are several ways that made them :
1. Measurment traverse ,this measurment is essentially bound to make a perfect polygon of GPS points,which has been observed,which was made in the control placement of traverse points in the place sepressi possible with the intersection line,rejuvanate the start line.
2. Translock coordinates,on principle this process is same as the binding to the faces of polygon,where the set 2. Pieces of GPS point in determining the point translock belt.Before performing topographic measurments,firts,conducted in coordination with departements and other sub-jobs, especially those adjacent to the measurment time job topography,such as path ,bridging and drilling.This is done so that does not happen the chase time job,let alone overlap.After disscussion made the program schedule.The first program topography measurment ,which in turn followed path,bridging,drilling,recoording .Department of topo also do work side by side against the other department such as explanation access location, the existence of trace stakes and shoot point ,until the offset and compensation.Tecnically,before doing stake out work,first ferformed to define the azimuth measurment sunshot beginning of the start point line.Further measurments were taken stake out,which coordinates the existing theoretical and entered on memory device and asked to determine the coordinates of the trace point and shot in the field .The points trace and shot point is determined from the points already fixed polygon or in other words the points polygon is a point of basic frame work.At the end of the measurment was repeated sunshot as the final azimuth control and then crossing between the line.Then fix the binding,at that point,the process of 3D seismic stake out the coordinates.measurments were taken at the start line,then tied in a single block,to get the cordinates of the point of each loop block. The block are separated into several swath according to the number of SL and RL,block width is adjusted with the precision of the distance.Each block covers precision is inversely proportional to its distance,then a big correction. As much as possible this block to close at each end of the SL and RL,so that the coordinates of the point produced mord good blocks. At the time of measurment,were also planting seismic BM. BM is made to reconstruct the point line is needed, if any program devolopment survey .BM seismic are :
- Uneven distribution of BM (cover) the whole line .
- To socialize with people .BM is an important point not tobe disturbed. BM seismic and BM GPS is a point for defining the datum if the reconstruction will be done.

Thursday, March 17, 2011



Clearing and bridging aims to facilitate access to the track that will be passed.with maximum width of 2 meters,is bridging the through the river,canals,valley,or swamp,there are two types of bridgings :
- On the ply
- On the ground.
Quality initiated and bridging must be good and right, because an effect on the work of drilling and recoording.For the areas to be made strairs or uphill slep,
to facilitate the drilling crew and recoording transportation equipment.As for other forms of bridging usually,adjusted conditions in the field including :
- Platform (for storage of drilling pipe).
- Jety (pier to facilitate anchor in crossing river,usually used along side a river.
To check quality control intiated and conducted by bridging line checker.
Line checker on duty to give a assesment of bridging the physical condition.
- Fair : Condition between 75-90%
- Good : conditions in accordance with the agreements.
- Poor: conditions that do not comly with the agreement.

Friday, March 4, 2011



Pemimpin  terbaik adalah yang mampu mensuport kepentingan strategi perusahaan dengan berkualitas, dan mampu bekerja sama dengan semua pihak,  untuk mengeksekusi setiap rencana dengan cara-cara yang hebat. Mempersiapkan pikiran dan perilaku untuk mendukung semua kebutuhan organisasi dengan berkualitas. Selalu fokus pada visi, misi, strategi, dan nilai-nilai perusahaan. Mampu bekerja untuk menciptakan struktur yang berfungsi dengan efektif. Selalu melakukan tindakan positif untuk mengawali perjalanan menuju puncak kinerja.
Memiliki mental super-optimis untuk bekerja buat kuantitas kerja yang sesuai target dan harapan perusahaan; buat kualitas kerja yang mampu menghasilkan hasil kerja yang baik, ditinjau dari ketelitian, kerapian, kebersihan, biaya, serta berdaya guna. Bekerja melalui proses pencapaian hasil yang sesuai dengan standar kerja perusahaan. Berdisiplin dalam memanfaatkan waktu yang ada untuk menyelesaikan semua tugas dan tanggung jawab dengan efektif, serta cerdas memanfaatkan alat-alat bantu kerja untuk pelayanan yang hebat.
Pemimpin harus pintar memahami perencanaan kerja jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Pintar melakukan koordinasi dan komunikasi dengan semua pihak secara efektif, tegas, lugas, yang dilandasi dengan sikap baik. Pintar melakukan delegasi dengan cara mendelegasikan tugas dan tanggung jawab sesuai perencanaan kerja.
Pemimpin adalah seorang pribadi yang mampu melakukan pembinaan, pengawasan, kerja sama, serta memiliki sikap disiplin, dedikasi, loyalitas, kemandirian, dan tanggung jawab yang konsisten. Selain itu, pemimpin yang baik pasti mampu membangkitkan semangat dan motivasi dirinya sendiri untuk mendapatkan sukses tanpa batas.
QC team representative of the company to control the quality of the crew / subcontractors employees / contractors in the field, because the workers will always find loopholes to commit fraud, and abuse, work not in accordance with the agreement work. For the QC team must be observant, intelligent thorough, professional and experience, which is not easily fooled and cheated. Moreover, seismic Indonesia currently using contract labor system. by the contractor / subcontractor will do everything to find a way of production of the hole as much as possible, regardless of the quality that is both true and in accordance with the employment agreement. To solve this problem, the required QC professionals in this job. Responsible, skilled, honest, conscientious, disciplined mandate and is not affected by the lure, people really experience and understand the work and the field of operation, not a lazy person, to get the personnel QC professionals and people who have good performance then the client must test the interview, and the company had to issue a special fund for them, such as welfare, pacility, salery well, so they work didikasi spirit and have high regard for the client, they will always be professional in their work. 
  • Monitoring the shothole drilling work conducted by contractor tobe in accordance with  the  procedure.
  • Inspect and properly and correctly report to the company the depth and quality of the  drill  hole.
  • Reject the production of the drill team if the drill does not fulfill the depth as    determined by  the company at the time of drilling as well as when the hole is filled    with explosives.
  • Provide recommendation on the drill operator's proposal on the location of the replacement hole if a rejection of a previously drill hole occurs and take the responsibility  of the company.
  • Provide recommendation of new location points on the proposal of the drill operator if the  drill point is located in a village or in an area where damage might accur due to future  dynamite explosion and take the responsibillity of to the company.
  • Control the quality of compacting of the drill point conducted by explosive filling team.
  • Control the quality of expolosive arrangement with detonator including the connection  between the the explosives ,arrangement with detonators and use of celio tape securing  the explosives as well as inspecting the cap Tester.
  • Reject all drill hole compacting if it has not met the reference ditermined by the company.
  • Report to the field supervisor in the event there is a deviation to the procedure conducted  by the contactor.
  • Report the progress of the shothole drill work every day to the field Supervisor.       


This inspector implements quality control procedures to compliance with contract specification and applicable regulations, inspects all phases of a variety of goods, services or operation for conformity to established quality, health and safety, and other operational standards by performing on-going work compliance with contractual provisions : ensures all services listed on the performance requitment summary are performed in a satisfactory manner, specifies areas to be inspected (scheduled and unscheduled) and how often inspections will be accomplished, communicates deficiencies to proper persons, maintains quality control files, and ducument results of all inspections. Fedaral Contract Essential Duties and Responsibilities : Implements service procedures and assess product and equipment capabilities and specifications to establish service delivery standards and proposed quality expectancy of completed

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Peralatan Seismic Drilling 

  Type of drillng equipment that I have ever used


Vibro Seismic 



Power Rig

Power rig ,The type of drill that we use, in the area and terrain such as lithology, rock type of blue clay that is not so hard. Drag bit type three wing or drag bit 215/16,37/8 three wing. And when you find rock that really,we are using,drag bit, treyfus bit76mm,made of rough diamonds drag bit king of useful to destroy the hard rocks, or may in type of rock bits. Power rig types of practical tools and can be used in terrain and lithology elsewhere,such as in hilly areas flat,marsh,power can also be connection with the compressor unit,used by crew members of 10 -12 personnel should be entitled,how to play the pipes use pipe player machine.

Jacro ,Type of drill tool we can use in the area and terrain the same lithology as unit power rig,jacro better in flat areas,because of his youth to the position of the rig, young and transportation equipment, 15-20 jacro crew personnel needed in the team. For more equipment than the power unit of the rig,and while being drilled jacro not much use just 3-4 personel only,but that requires a lot of personnel during transport equipment from SP to SP or move the location to next line,a very nice jacro connection with the compressor unit and a very good hard rock areas dragbit same power rig unit,how to use machine to rotate the drill pipe


Equipment Compressor

Engine Kohler Compressor
A. Type of compressor kohler.
B. Type of compressor haly.

Compressor uni,type of drilling equipment that we use in areas of terrain and lithology of the rock really hard right. Like other types of hard stone and rock stone,we've also found to a depth of 15 meter,may take up to one full day,and even more up to two days with conditions,water,fuel,good equipment,man power pit ok,how it works almost the same compressor unit with the workings of the unit jacro,but its operation using water plus a litle wind. And requires a crew personnel 26 -25 personnel in team. How to pay the using a machine,compressor has a special tube (cones) and dragbit named Hammer drill os Buttom 76mm. There are two kinds of compressor we've ever used


Haly compressor,is a reliable compressor that wind pressure from the position of the engine compressor,to the position of drilling can reach 3000 meters, and rigs can power the rig and also jacro. Haly compressor units operating in very difficult terrain there is no road for vehicles,because heavy equipment and there should be special car as transportation,how to work together with the compressor kohler, and personnel sufficient 15-20 personnel in team.

Flushing, we normally use in areas such as terrain and lithology, of the area of the marsh, land that lithology, such as peat soil, soft soil, sandy soil, and the soil sticky, flushing type of drilling bit that way works played by hand(manually),how to play the pipe wrench use rotated by hand.

Drilling Flushing
Team Drilling

A. Driller
Driller adalah orang yang bertugas untuk mengatur dan mengawasi proses pengeboran. Dalam melakukan tugasnya driller harus mempunyai lisensi yang dikeluarkan oleh BP Migas.

B. Shooter
Shooter adalah orang yang bertugas untuk merangkai bahan peledak sesuai dengan prusedur BP Migas dan mengawasi proses pemasukan bahan peladak ke dalam lubang bor yang dilakukan oleh kru pre-loading. Shooter beertugas untuk melakukan pengecekan detonator setelah dirangkai, setelah dimasukkan ke dalam lubang bor, dan setelah di tamping.

C. Kru Bor
Kru bor bertugas untuk melakukan pengeboran. Dalam satu unit terdapat empat kru bor. Satu buah kru terdiri dari 9 sampai 10 orang yang bekerja dengan sebuah mesin bor. Pembagian tugasnya adalah ada yang mengoperasikan mud pump, mengumpulkan cutting, memasang pipa bor, dan memegang mesin bor.

D. Kru Water Relay
Tugas utama kru water relay adalah membawa air ke lokasi pengeboran. Dalam satu kru water relay terdapat kurang lebih 10 orang. Peralatan yang digunakan tergantung pada lokasi pengeboran.

E. Kru Pre-Loading
Kru pre-loading bertugas untuk membawa bahan peledak ke lokasi pengeboran dan memasukkannya ke dalam lubang bor. Dalam satu kru terdapat kurang lebih 9 orang. Pembagian tugasnya dalaha ada yang melakukan tamping, membawa bahan peledak, dan ada yang membawa detonator.

Peralatan yang digunakan oleh seismic drilling diantaranya adalah:
A. Mesin Power Rig
Adalah mesin pemutar bor yang digunakan pada pemboran. Mesin ini sesuai untuk melakukan pengeboran dengan kedalaman 22 sampai 30 m. Membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang lebih banyak. Dapat menembus batuan lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan menggunakan rotari.

power rig

B. Mesin Devey Pump
Alat ini berfungsi untuk menyedot air dan mengalirkannya ke lokasi pengeboran.

devey pump

C. Mesin Mud Pump
Mud Pump berfungsi untuk menyedot air yang bercampur dengan cutting pemboran dan mengalirkannya menuju pipa bor. Lumpur ini berfungsi untuk menekan tanah agar gembur, mengangkat cutting hasil pengeboran dan melindungi mata bor agar tidak bergesekan langsung dengan batuan. Jika lubang bor sangat dalam, maka mesin mud pump dapat dirangkai secara seri untuk memperbesar tekanan.
mud pump
D. King Swivel
Alat ini digunakan untuk menyambung selang dari mud pump ke pipa bor. King swivel tidak dilakukan pada pengeboran dengan menggunakan power rig dan Jackro. King swivel digunakan pada pengeboran dengan metode flushing.

E. Pipa Bor
Pipa bor berguna untuk mengalirkan air atau lumpur ke dalam lubang bor selama pengeboran. Pipa bor memiliki panjang 1,5 m dengan persambungan pada kedua ujungnya.

pipa bor

F. Mata Bor
Mata bor berguna untuk mengikis tanah atau batuan pada lubang bor. Pada mata bor terdapat lubang untuk mengalirkan air atau lumpur.

Drag bit

G. Tripus
Tripus adalah mata bor khusus yang terbuat dari intan kasar. Mata bor ini digunakan untuk menghancurkan batuan keras, tetapi tidak bisa bekerja pada batuan halus atau tanah lembut

 H. Kunci Inggris
Alat ini digunakan untuk menyambung dan melepaskan pipa bor. Selain itu juga difungsikan untuk mengangkat dan melepaskan pipa bor.

I. Fire Hose
Fire Hose adalah selang air yang digunakan untuk mengalirkan air ke tempat pengeboran.

J. Polimer
Polimer digunakan untuk menghindari terjadinya keruntuhan pada dinding lubang bor. Cairan ini digunakan dengan cara mencmpurkannya dengan air atau lumpur yang akan dimasukkan ke dalam pipa bor. Cairan ini sangat dibutuhkan terutama pada tanah yang berpasir.

K. Ginagol
Alat ini digunakan untuk menyaring air atau lumpur yang akan dimasukkan ke dalam pipa bor.

L. Lastok
Alat ini berupa pipa yang digunakan untuk memasukkan bahan peledak ke dalam lubang pengeboran. Lastok terbuat dari bahan alumunium untuk menghindari timbulnya api, yang dapat menyulut bahan peledak, akibat gesekan.

M. Dummie Load
Dummie load berfungsi untuk memeriksa kebersihan dan kedalaman lubang bor. Dummie load memiliki bentuk silinder panjang yang memiliki diameter hanya sedikit lebih kecil dari pada diameter lubang bor.

N. Daya Gel
Daya Gel adalah salah satu jenis bahan peledak yang berbentuk gel. Daya Gel berbentuk batang dengan panjang 0,25 m, diameter 3 inci, dan berat 0,5 kg. Daya Gel dikemas dalam plastik dan diberikan lapisan lilin agar terlindungi dari air. Daya Gel merupakan bahan peledak pasif karena membutuhkan stimulant dari detotator agar dapat meledak.

O. Detonator
Detonator adalah bahan peledak aktif yang berfungsi sebagai sumbu ledak. Detonator dapat meledak apabila diberikan tegangan di atas 6 volt. Proses peledakannya adalah sebagai berikut:
- Detonator dimasukkan ke dalam Daya Gel
- Kabel detonator diberikan arus listrik
- Detonator meladak akibat arus listrik tersebut
- Daya Gel meledak karena dipicu oleh ledakan detonator
P. Speedy Loader
Speedy loader berupa plastik berbentuk kerucut yang dipasang bersama Daya Gel dan detonator. Speedy loader berbentuk kerucut di pasang di bagian depan Daya Gel yang berfungsi untuk mempermudah bahan peledak untuk dimasukkan ke dalam lubang bor.

Q. O Ring
O Ring adalah cincin besar yang terbuat dari plastik untuk mengikat kabel detonator. Fungsinya adalah untuk mempermudah dalam mengambil kabel detonator yang ditanam di dalam lubang bor.
R. Anchor
Ancor adalah besi yang dipasang di bagian luar bahan peledak yang berfungsi untuk menahan bahan peledak agar tidak terdorong kelaur lubang bor.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Drilling Crew Power Rig
Drag Bit 37/8 ''3Wing



1. Driller studies the survey map, line program, and sketch line the area

2. Driller, Shooter and Crew coordinator conduct field orientation to ensure position of hole program, access, source of water, and potential prolem operation.

3. On the no watre sources area, driller prepare temporary water tank and make a planning use water tank and water relay. Driller shall get permit from owner if use water well

4. Driller ensure that quantity and quality of all equipment complate for one unit, influding fuel and addatives will used.

5. Driller ensure that number of crew is complate. None of crew have number exactly including their own support like water relay and preloading. All worker must use work and personal safety equipment.

6. Hardhats and work boots must be when working at all times

7. Driller ensure that SP will drilled is correct as program. All drilling station markers (shotpoint) are painted red

8. Any parts of lines that is missing more than 3point makers in line must be resurveyed you must call base camp and advise them to send the survey crew.

9. Driller performs distance from SP position to nearest civil construction, comply with safety distance and considered surface condition and subsurface outcrop.if not safety, Driller will make offset or compensation hole.

10. All compensated or offset holes must be surveyed call base camp if required and the survey crew will be send to your location.

11. Shotpoint markers must not be moved offset the drill location away from the markers do not move the marker.

12. The shotholes must be drilled within a 2 mater radius of the station marker (shotpoint).

13. Try to walk along the seismic whenever possible.Don't destroy the levy banks around the rice fields.Walk along the seismic line.

14. All holes will be drilled using the two hole system. One big slush pit hole and one small hole for the cuttings.

15. Drilling technic must comply with soil/rock formation. Drilling perform with correct technic.including using drill bit, addative (polymer,mud, etc), or washing. Change the drill bit or any equipment if not comply it.

16. See drill cutting carefully. Drill log reported every 5(five) m depth.

17. All shot holes must be drilled as per contract depth.

18. Any adjacent shot hole a stuck charge one of the shot holes must be re-drilled. Offset 7meters from the first hole and drill the second hole mark the holes A and hole B.

19. All shot holes that can not be drilled to the contract depth you must have approval from the QC supervisor before any such hole is loaded.

20. Withdraw pipe must be conducted with correct technic and comply with rock formation.

21. Any oil and gas shows must be reported immediately by radio. Move your men well away from the hole,  move up wind. Do not go back to the hole until the drilling supervisor arrived from base camp with the HSE people.

22. Driller ensure that preloading crew ir ready before withdrawing pipe.

23. All slush pits must be back filled after the drilling is completed at the shot point.

24. When the drilling crew have completed the shothole, they must all move away from the shothole taking with them all hot equipment. Which includes power rig, mud pump and fuel containers, other equipment can remain, however it must be moved away from the hole giving the preloading crew clear access.


In summary, I tell about my experiences while working on drilling, using the tools work differently, but we found almost the same problem,if you find a ballet hole that stuck when check by loading the pole after drilled, such a 20 meters into it, here are some alternative solutions that we do :

a. If the hole stuck when loading pole checking, the hole has to be washout.
b. If washing out the hole is not successful. The SP must be compensated front as same direction as crew moving along the line referred to earlier notice about compensation that make by client.
c. If there is no possibilities to compensated, the SP has to be offset perpendicular (right or left depends on field situation) to line referred to earlier notice about offset rule that make by client (starting 7 -50 meters)

d. What if we fail again,we find we use cassing HQ or NQ, HQ usually we use when we find coral/gravel at a depth of 3 -5 meter,what if to find the coral/gravel all the holes are very difficult to use this cassing.

e. What if we find fail again, the las alternative that we do,is drill hole pattren, depending on the approval of the client company.


Terrain and lithology effect on a alot and a little production on a drilling unit, usually the cause of the small production, the problems is,hard water,lithology is difficult, the equipment is not good, difficult terrain to go, and if the settlement is usually the problem permit.


Crew water relay and important rule in the drilling unit, the setting is very influential on alot of water and a little production in drilling units, is the key to the success of drilling crew relay water,and determine the number of production and drilling the production at least.